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My Fiction

I write novels, short stories, and occasionally flash fiction. Most of my published writing appears on Our Writing Life, a blog that I share with my friend, Aruna. Read more about my published work below.

Last Night in Town

This short story follows a heartbroken young man as he tries unsuccessfully to forget his ex-girlfriend. The story appears in East on Central's Volume 21, 2022-2023 Issue.

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When It Rains

In this flash fiction story, Lynnie and Miles move into their first house. As they unpack and rain breaks through the roof, the narration hints at what their future will be like in their fixer-upper.


Last Pictures to Delete

In this melancholy flash fiction story, Sydney tries to decide whether or not to delete the last pictures of her ex-boyfriend from her phone.

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A Midwest Love Story

"A Midwest Love Story" is a flash fiction story about a woman who is trying to use romantic movie conventions to help her remember the exact moment when she fell in love.

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A Collection of Letters

"A Collection of Letters" is a flash fiction story that describes a relationship between a narrator and her grandmother through the lens of letters.

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Like Lightning

"Like Lightning" is a flash fiction story about a songwriter who is trying to explain the magic that led her to write her only hit song.

Storm Clouds
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